Lesson 014-1. Video Lesson. Introduction in Chinese.

Watch and listen to this dialogue in Mandarin Chinese. We tried to make it as natural as possible. This lesson covers greetings, introduction and other basic expressions you can learn in our first audio lessons. Subscribed listeners will have access to a full PDF transcript of this lesson with a vocabulary section.




  1. Lynda says:

    Just downloaded the vid from iTunes and wow tha was excellent! I understood a lot of it and it will be great practice for me to go through it and trnaslate it myself. Great job! I’m a long time subscriber and you are doing a fab-o job but the vidcast is definitely the best

  2. Bob Mrotek says:

    Serge, you are fantastic! Thank you very much!!!

    Bob Mrotek

  3. pandagator says:

    Wow, great job Serge. Very easy to comprehend, which makes me feel better about the level of Chinese I am at. I hope you come out with more.

  4. Leandro says:

    Hi, I´m from Brazil…
    Thanks for the lessons…
    Thanks a lot!
    sai sai

  5. Francesca says:

    Thank you, Serge. There are very few resources available online for those wishing to learn Mandarin, but this is really excellent. Loved the video. Keep up the good work. Xie xie !

  6. Meck says:

    Hi Serge! I am from Brazil and just saw your video at YouTube. As I looked to your work at your site, I got really amazed! It should all be at The Teaching Company site!! Congratulations!

  7. Arvind Pradhan says:


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