Author: Melnyks Chinese

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Lesson 084. The Art of Lining Up.

If you have been to China, you know that not everyone knows how to line up or wait for his/her turn there. It might be quite annoying sometimes to see people cut in in front of you. In this lesson you will learn lots of useful vocabulary and expressions that can be used in such situations. Please signup and become a registered subscriber to access ALL 200+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts, worksheets, additional audio dialogues and more.

Lesson 083. Lost and Found.

We all may lose something one day. Chances are that somebody has found it and brought it to the lost and found office. The situational dialogue in this lesson takes place in a lost and found office. Learn some useful expressions in Mandarin Chinese related to lost and found items. Please sign up and become a registered member to access ALL 200+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts, worksheets and additional audio situational dialogues.

Lesson 081. Sing and Learn. Jasmine Flower.

Listen to a very popular Chinese folk song called Jasmine Flower. Apart from being very popular and known to every Chinese person in the world, it has very clear and simple to understand lyrics.

Are you ready to learn a new Chinese song? Listen to this lesson today!

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