Author: Melnyks Chinese

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Lesson 088. Chinese Ghost Festival.

Did you know that Chinese have a festival called ‘gui jie’ or the ghost festival? Learn some vocabulary and expressions in Mandarin Chinese related to this tradition. Please signup and become a registered subscriber to download ALL 200+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts, worksheets and additional audio dialogues.

Lesson 086. Lost or Stolen Bank Card.

In this lesson you will learn how to call Chinese bank and inform them that your bank card got lost or stolen. Listen to the situational dialogue and remember the new vocabulary. Please signup and become a registered subscriber to access ALL 270+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts, worksheets and additional situational audio dialogues available for members only.

Lesson 085. Going to a Dentist.

Do you need to see a dentist in China? Study this lesson and you will be able communicate with your dentist in Mandarin Chinese. This lesson is also useful for dentists in foreign countries who work with Chinese patients.

Please signup and become a registered subscriber to access ALL 270+ audio lessons, full PDF transcripts, worksheets and additional audio dialogues in Mandarin Chinese.