Author: Melnyks Chinese

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Lesson 095. Yellow Cow Tickets.

Everyone knows that sometimes it is very difficult to get a ticket to a concert or a train ticket simply because no more tickets are available. However, there are always people outside of the venue selling tickets. It is possible that you can purchase a ticket for less money than from the official source, especially minutes before the event begins.

Lesson 094. Let’s Break Up!

This lesson is about relationships. Before we have learned how to express our love and feelings towards someone, today we will learn how to break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend in Mandarin Chinese. Subscribed listeners will also enjoy an extra benefit at the end of the lesson. Let’s get started! Please signup and become a registered subscriber to access ALL audio lessons with full PDF transcripts, worksheets and extra audio dialogues in Mandarin Chinese only.

Lesson 093. The Moon Represents My Heart.

Learn another great love song from Teresa Teng in Mandarin Chinese!

Learning and singing Chinese songs will greatly help you in your pronunciation and will also make your learning process more enjoyable.

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