Author: Melnyks Chinese

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Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.

Learn practical and useful vocabulary related to buying groceries in a supermarket in China. Learn names of the food products that we cannot live without, like bread, butter, milk, yoghurt, cheese, eggs, meat etc. Living in China can be tough if you can’t find the food you are used to. And after all, it’s much safer to buy food in such supermarkets as Carrefour in China. Please sign up and become a registered member to download ALL 270+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts, worksheets, videos and more.

Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.

This lesson is about renting an apartment in China. Find and rent an apartment you like in Shanghai, ask how big your future apartment is, how much the rent is and what district of the city it is located in. After learning this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin Chinese to find your own apartment in China.

Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.

This lesson will teach you some very common and useful vocabulary and sentence patterns used when working in China. You will learn office vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese and at the end of this lesson will be able to understand and say such sentences and phrases as “what’s your email address”, “did you receive my fax” or “my printer is broken”, etc. Full and detailed PDF lesson transcripts and worksheets are available for subscribed users.

Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.

In this lesson we you will learn a popular song in Mandarin Chinese. Songs are very good for learning a foreign language, listening to them can improve your listening comprehension a lot.

You will also learn other related vocabulary and sentence patterns.
The song you will hear in this lesson has always been one of my favorite Chinese songs. It is really simple and easy to sing. Enjoy it. Please signup and become a registered subscriber to download ALL 270+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts and worksheets.